Costruiamo il futuro insieme

Siamo un team altamente collaborativo, con un forte focus sulla creazione di valore per i nostri clienti. La nostra filosofia si basa su un insieme di valori fondamentali che guidano il nostro lavoro ogni giorno.

Holistic benefits that meet you where you are


Siamo convinti che il successo delle nostre attività dipenda dalla nostra capacità di operare nell'interesse dei nostri clienti, lavorando sempre con onestà e integrità.


Mental wellbeing

At Calibra-T, your mental health is considered just as important as your physical health - and we provide access to a wide variety of training, coaching and counseling options to support you when you need it.


Physical wellbeing

No matter which location you call home, we provide benefits, support and resources to help you stay active, healthy, and connected.


Financial wellbeing

Wherever you are in your financial journey, in addition to our robust compensation packages and retirement plans, we have targeted resources to help you along the way.

I valori che ci guidano


Riteniamo che il successo di un progetto si ottenga solo attraverso il lavoro di squadra, l'innovazione e l'attenzione ai dettagli.

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We start with empathy for others


Siamo sempre pronti ad accettare e adattarci ai cambiamenti del mercato, restituendo valore ai nostri clienti attraverso soluzioni creative e personalizzate.

  • Do you care about building strong relationships with those around you?
  • How do you respond to conflict?
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We embrace diverse perspectives


Siamo orgogliosi di rappresentare questi valori nel nostro lavoro quotidiano e siamo entusiasti di mettere la nostra esperienza e le nostre competenze a disposizione dei nostri clienti per raggiungere i loro obiettivi di business.

  • How do you handle perspectives of others that may be different from your own?
  • How do your background and interests allow you to bring a unique perspective?
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We keep learning and improving


When we challenge what exists, we improve ourselves, our business, and what we can do for our clients.

  • Are you curious and eager to develop new skills?
  • How do you find ways to challenge yourself?
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We speak and act with integrity


When we have the best interest of our teammates, clients, and the wider community at heart, we can do what’s right even when it’s hard.

  • What is your approach when facing a difficult decision?
  • How do you react when you need to admit to a mistake you’ve made?
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We take responsibility


When we are mutually responsible, we can rely on each other and work more collaboratively.

  • How does responsibility drive you?
  • What aspects of your local community or global issues do you care about most?

Unisciti al team


ommitted to the values and policy of equal employment opportunity across our employment practices.

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